Audio feedback to second language students on written tasks at university level

Feedback is one of the crucial paths in the student-teacher relationship. It is fundamental to the student’s development, and the perceptions that are glued to this feedback could adjust the student’s proficiency in a positive or negative way. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to analyze the student's perceptions when it comes to oral audio feedback and its impact on written assignments at university level. A qualitative analysis was conducted based on three specific objectives related to the impact, the perceptions and the actions following the oral feedback. The investigation was made through non-numerical data collection that analyzes discourse, language and expression. The study was integrated by 11 students of an ESL course at university. This was a mix genre sample, all over 18 years old that had received oral feedback in written assignments before. All of them submitted to 14 open questions in a semi-structured interview, which was recorded, transcribed and analyzed based on the main objectives of the study. The results showed that oral feedback does have an impact, mostly positive among the students, although the lack of impact was also evidenced. Regarding the feelings that audio feedback evoke, the research presents a kaleidoscope that varies from anxiety to motivation. Lastly, the final aspect of the result shows a direct connection between the perception of oral feedback and the actions afterwards. In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that well-implemented oral feedback is crucial in the development of the student.
Seminario de investigación para optar al Grado Académico de Licenciado en Educación y al titulo de Profesor de Educación Media en Inglés
Oral feedback, Impact, Written assignments/tasks, Perceptions, Feelings, Actions